
Customer Service Manager is a key and sought-after position in our
companies. This is the only person who directly interacts with the client
– the face of the company. Our company values ​​its reputation. Over the years of work we
We have formed a base of regular customers and are constantly increasing it.

The manager provides the client with high-quality and fast advice on services
companies in correspondence format. Managers work with hot message traffic
– already interested clients come to us with specific requests, and we
it is important to quickly help the client while maintaining a high level of service and individual

Manager’s tasks
The manager clarifies such important details with the client as:
* Meeting format;
* Requests regarding the model

* Meeting place and time;
* Order amount

There are two chart options:
4/2 from 8:00 to 20:00 Moscow time – day shifts;
4/2 from 20:00 to 8:00 Moscow time – night shifts.
Breaks are also guaranteed: three coffee breaks of 15 minutes each and lunch of 35 minutes.
Work format: home-office; Corporate training
Prospects for professional growth.

Salary: 1500+$

WhatsApp: +48 519 349 519

Telegram: @alinaHRmodelsone

Gender :

Age range :
18 Year < 37 Year

Minimum qualification :

Minimum years of experience :

Differently abled may apply :

About Models1

About Models1
Models1 is an international modeling agency based in London. Basics
The agency's activities include organizing meetings with models around the world,
mainly in European countries (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy,
Spain, etc.) and the UAE.

We are officially registered as an agency headquartered in London and
We have all the necessary licenses to carry out this activity. Currently our team has more than 1000 employees throughout
the world - these are guys who speak different languages ​​and live on different continents,
but they have one thing in common. We value the comfort of every employee, that’s why we work
in a remote format.

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