Carpet and upholstery cleaners
Operate cleaning machines to clean carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture on customers’ premises or in carpet and upholstery cleaning establishments.
Chimney cleaners and sandblasters
Clean soot and creosote from chimneys and fireplaces using hand tools and industrial vacuum cleaners
Clean building exteriors, tanks and industrial equipment using sandblasting, pressurized steam or hydroblasting equipment.
Furnace and ventilation system cleaners
Clean ducts, vents and filters of furnaces in residences and commercial buildings using hand tools and industrial vacuum cleaners.
Vehicle cleaners
Clean the interior and exterior of automobiles, buses, streetcars, railway cars and subway cars.
Window cleaners
Wash and clean interior and exterior windows and other glass surfaces in low-rise and highrise buildings.
About Synergy GCC
Synergy GCC is a recruitment company based in Dubai. Synergy has an extensive recruitment program designed to find the very best jobs for you. Formed in 2000, Synergy GCC has rapidly become one of GCC leading providers of recruitment services. With branches opening across the major cities of UAE, Qatar, Oman. Our high profile attracts a stream of quality employment from national and international companies. We endeavor to supply a quality and innovative service to all clients.