Talent Acquisition – A Click Away




Talent acquisition has developed over the years.  From posting of open positions outside the office building, to the use of newspaper ads, to online job portals and the use of social media.  Application has changed as well from walk-in application to online application, even interviews can be done face-to-face through video call.  Distance is no longer an issue when it comes to processing an application.  Technology has played a big role in the changes impacting talent acquisition.

Searching for the perfect fit is now easier thanks to artificial intelligence.  Talents can be searched from a database and job matching can be done in one click.  Everything is now available at the tip of one’s fingers.  An employer can just click and post an opening through different job portals.  A candidate can just click and apply for a position.  One click and you’re done with the application.  Even without actively looking for a new job, a potential candidate can be sourced through social media accounts like LinkedIn.

Let’s take a closer look at online job portals.  These portals are helpful for both employers and candidates.  Employers can easily post an open position, provide all the necessary information – job description, requirements and expectations, and indicate a timeline for filling-in the position.  The job posting will automatically close by the time indicated in the timeline.  Employers can post specific questions to potential applicants when applying.  They can also put some filters that can help them funnel the applicants.  Employers can immediately view profiles of applicants through the job portal.  No need to contact the applicant and wait for the applicant to submit a resume.  Use of online job portals is also a way of advertising the company to potential employees.  Information about the company, its core values and benefits can be posted on the job portal.  It can attract potential employees to apply to the company.

Candidates can easily look for a job using online job portals.  Job portals provide recommendations where a list of relevant jobs based on the candidate’s profile and previous applications are displayed.  Once an attractive position and company shows up, candidate can just click to apply.  Profiles can be easily updated to highlight skills and experience.  Application can be done to multiple companies and positions.  Job portals also do suggestions wherein after successfully applying it will provide a list of other open positions that are similar to the one that the candidate has applied for.  Candidate can filter the open positions by location, salary and other relevant criteria.  Job portals are also easy to use, updating applicant profile is just like updating a social media profile.

Truly, talent acquisition has never been easier and exciting than today.  With all the tools readily available, recruitment is as easy as 1-2-3.  Job application is as quick as adding a friend in social media.  With all the data readily available, they can be used to study trends and do forecasting.  More improvements to talent acquisition are predicted in the future if we continue with the current trend we have today.

Development, Employees, Online Jobs sites, Recruitment

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