ව්‍යාපාරයක සාර්ථකත්වය උදෙසා සේවකයින් රඳවා තබා ගැනීම පිළිබඳ ව්‍යාපාරයේ කළමනාකාරීත්වය විසින් දැන සිටිය යුතු අත්‍යවශ්‍ය කරුණු කිහිපයක්…

සේවකයින් යනු ආයතනයක ජීවනාලියයි. එහි සාර්ථක ධාවනයට සහ ලාභ ඉපැයීමට ඔවුන්ගෙන් වැය වන ශ්‍රමය අප්‍රමාණයි. වර්තමාන තත්වය තුළ, සංවිධානයකට ඇති ප්‍රධානතම අභියෝගයක් වන්නේ එහි වටිනා හා දක්ෂ සේවකයින් එම සංවිධානයේ හෝ ආයතනයේ රඳවා ගැනීමයි. ආයතනයෙන් ඉවත්ව යන සේවකයින්ගේ ගැටලුව විශාල වශයෙන් පාලනය කිරීමට ආයතනයේ කළමනාකාරිත්වයට හැකි නමුත් එය සම්පූර්ණයෙන් නැවැත්විය නොහැකි ය. එසේනම් අද අප

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Using Hashtags in the 2019 Recruitment Procedure- The Different Aspects

Social media has become such an important part of people’s daily lives that it has made its place in every domain, including the professional field of recruitment and talent acquisition. Apart from uploading job vacancies on online portals, companies have also started using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to attract potential talent. In

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The Route to Identifying Competency Gaps at the Workplace

Competencies can be understood as a set of skills and knowledge components that employees need to possess to deliver optimum performance for the company. Now, the lack of such competencies is what one may call competency gap and it can prove to be potentially dangerous for the organization, resultant of non-performance issues. If competency gaps

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Employers guide to change management

If change programmer is vital for the growth of any company then managing the process of change is more critical. A well-planned change always considers the impact on employees. Change also has a critical impact on the well being of employees. In order to manage the change effectively it is important to – Make sure

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Steps to Bouncing back after getting Fired

Getting fired can lead to enormous feelings such as embarrassment, worthlessness, self-pity, shame and depression. There is no surprise that that getting terminated is like losing out your identity because we identify with our job. If you wish to have a successful career, you have to bounce back better and stronger than ever. Always remember

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On The Job Learning. How To Optimize?

A new employee is expected to perform new duties, learn a large amount of information and master a variety of skills within short period of time. The initial training period is a probation period to test their abilities and competency. It a two-way street wherein both employer and employee have to give in their best.

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Lost Career Passion, How To Rediscover ?

Lost your passion at work? Lacking motivation? Don’t feel like working anymore? If you are tangled in such a rut especially if you are the one who used to cherish what you do but somehow lost your way- Stop fretting, there is a HOPE. Recover the long-lost devotion at your work by following these simple

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Am I In The Right Career Or Do I Need A Career Change?

Some people seem to know exactly what they want out of their lives. As soon as they enter the real world, they have every idea how to actualize their aspirations. While others spend years exploring different avenues, working out different options and pondering on what feels right.  Whether you are considering jumping ship into an

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Workplace Ethics Dos and Don’ts

Ethics is defined as a guiding philosophy; therefore, workplace ethics is a guiding philosophy in the workplace.  There are fundamental of conduct that employees need to consider while at work.  Here’s a list of dos and don’ts that one has to keep in mind to keep a good status and image at work.    Dos

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Work Place Negativity – How to Minimize?

Negativity spreads everywhere even in the work place.  It can affect everyone in the organization.  But the good thing is that a person, a boss or any other employee, can negate the negativity and turn it into a positive experience.  If there is negativity everywhere, one has a choice to either respond with negativity as

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