Tips on providing feedback to your manager

Most of us would feel hesitant of giving our superiors feedback or suggestions. We feel insecure and have this misconception that those higher authorities are infallible. But we often forget that nobody is perfect. So, managers, bosses and team leaders, like the employees, need feedback to figure out the area where there is potential for improvement. Following tips will surely help in providing constructive feedback to your manager or boss without offending him or her and without compromising your own position.

Wait for the right time

An employee should have regular one to one meeting with his boss. If you are not doing so, ask for them. This regular time together help you build up a great rapport, discuss failures, successes, challenges, take and give feedback whenever necessary. In order to provide feedback to your boss, there should be a comfortable atmosphere for the private conversation and regular meetings are the best possible way.

Prepare yourself for the conversation

Everyone believes and says -I need constructive feedback but it is not easy to hear. This is a reality and that’s where you need to be thoughtful about how you are going to handle the situation. Think about what you want to say, what points and what approach will you be keeping in mind. If you want you can also jot the points down so that you don’t forget in the moment. The delivery of feedback should be honest and respectful. You should know your boundaries. Always remember your manager was promoted to the role because he was armed with the skills required to succeed in that role. So, if it is not related to you or you are not qualified to discuss something, do not intervene.

Double check your facts and choose wise words

Before you are ready to go, make sure your assessments are based on evidence and facts. And your language should reflect that too. Choosing right words at right place can make or mar the situation. When you are dealing with your manager, you have to be careful with words. Offer an unbiased feedback. Ensure that your feedback should not have any element of personal grudge or complaint. Focus on facts rather than divulging on emotions.

Examples are helpful

When you raise the points, support your feedback with examples. For example, rather than saying “your ideas were great” mention how a particular idea saved the team time, money and energy. Examples always help people to relate and understand the situation in a better way.

Let bygones be bygones

Your manager has made some mistakes in the past. Talking about those mistakes, is not productive as the past can not be changed. Offer ideas and strategies that can make your team more stronger and bear more fruitful results. Feedback that will have some impact on the future, is more appreciated by everyone.

Whosever that would be, constructive and honest feedback always helps. You may not receive the response you deserve in the initial time but that person will surely be thankful in the future.


Reshali Balasubramaniam

Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.




