How To Properly Turn Down A Job Offer?

Declining a job offer is hard to do. And when you worked hard to get one, it becomes more difficult to turn it down. Whether you are offered a job that you would never accept in a million years or you want to maintain good relationship with HR department because you might consider the job

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Work – Life Balance

He is always impeccably dressed with a cheerful smile on his face.  He is always on time and excels in every assigned task. He is charming and funny. And you are yet to see him lose his cool. Let’s get to know his secrets for mastering the elusive work-life balance. If you also want to

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Am I In The Right Career Or Do I Need A Career Change?

Some people seem to know exactly what they want out of their lives. As soon as they enter the real world, they have every idea how to actualize their aspirations. While others spend years exploring different avenues, working out different options and pondering on what feels right.  Whether you are considering jumping ship into an

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Workplace Ethics Dos and Don’ts

Ethics is defined as a guiding philosophy; therefore, workplace ethics is a guiding philosophy in the workplace.  There are fundamental of conduct that employees need to consider while at work.  Here’s a list of dos and don’ts that one has to keep in mind to keep a good status and image at work.    Dos

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Getting Ready For Your First Interview?

  After the long search and application, finally your resume stood out and you got an invitation for a job interview.  Congratulations!  It means that you have already set one foot on the door to your dream job.  But don’t celebrate that much yet, you still have to prove that what was written on your

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Company Culture, Should I Care?

  An essential component of an organization, company culture is something that speaks about the company even without putting it on paper or on the wall.  It is not formally written like a policy or guideline, but each member of the organization follows it.   It’s a silent thing that works in the background of

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After A Career Break, How Do You Find A Suitable Job?

Finding a suitable job after a career break may be challenging.  Most employers would not consider your work experience prior to the career break and consider you as an entry level once again.  But don’t lose heart, you still have a chance to land your dream job after a break.  Here are some tips on

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Work Place Negativity – How To Minimize???

Negativity spreads everywhere even in the work place.  It can affect everyone in the organization.  But the good thing is that a person, a boss or any other employee, can negate the negativity and turn it into a positive experience.  If there is negativity everywhere, one has a choice to either respond with negativity as

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Secrets of Team Building in the Workplace

Building Teams that Build the Organization Different people have different opinions, experiences and goals.  These are brought along by each individual member of the team   .  The challenge is how to build a successful team despite all the differences. A team is a group of individuals who work together on a specific task or project.

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Common Pitfalls In Employment

 Watch Your Step Employers expect that their employees are productive and deliver at a minimum what are expected from them.  Productivity is expected but the reality is that productivity is quite difficult to maintain.  Employees during the early part of a project tend to be productive but in the latter part productivity wavers. Here are

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