A Quick Guide On Handling Gross-Misconduct Right Manner

Even a most seasoned business owner can be little nervous while dealing with employee misconduct issues. But If any such situation arises, you must deal with the issue head-on and plan to improve it. Gross misconduct may include violent behavior, harassment and bullying, negligence, theft or fraud, endangering the health and safety of the employee

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Importance of family friendly policies

    Parents are finding it difficult to strike a healthy balance between work and family-life. For most of us, Family is a biggest source of inspiration for going to work every day. It is crucial for employers to be considerate about the value of work-life balance. Creating family-friendly policies not only benefit the workforce

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Quick Guide For Job Description Preparation

Be it any position, crafting a compelling job description is vital to invite the most qualified candidates for the job. This critical document performs functions such as describing required skills and competencies, defining the job position, serving the basis for the employment contract and acts as a valuable performance management tool. For writing a clear,

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Importance Of Training And Development

Training and development is an indispensable function in a fast-paced corporate world but many companies cut down on training opportunities due to their expensive nature. Employees attending training sessions can delay the completion of projects due to miss out on work time. However proper training and development holds enormous value in order to acquire new

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Different Hats In A Team

While leading a team, you need to wear different hats. Sometimes you have to change many hats in a single day. Here hats imply roles you are accountable for in order to successfully run a team. While there are likely more, but we will talk about ten hats in leadership. Wear Facilitator hat As a

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Effectively Hosting a Meeting

    Even for a seasoned professional, hosting a meeting can be a daunting task. Leading a meeting effectively is an important skill in the corporate world. A boring PowerPoint deck is enough to send everyone to sleep or to seek solace in tea breaks and lunch. Most meetings fail due to poor preparation, bad

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Secrets to acing an Interview with the CEO

The recruiter, the hiring manager and others, all have approved your capability to get hired. You are on the verge of getting selected but now you are scheduled to interview with the CEO. As CEO is the person who typically cares for the success of the company so cracking the interview won’t be easy with

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Headhunters vs Recruiters vs Hiring Managers

Whether headhunters or recruiters or hiring managers, all roles have same mission- finding a right person to fill a position but their responsibilities vary. As a jobseeker, you need to know how they are different from each other. Our easy-to-understand guide will help you out – Headhunters Headhunters are bounty hunters to some extent and

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How To Rightly Adapt To Companies Culture?

So, your exciting time has finally arrived? Are you all charged up to approach the first day in the new company? Are you nervous that how will you fit into the company culture? Fret not, its normal to feel this way! The process of blending into your new company culture is as important as acing

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On The Job Learning. How To Optimize?

A new employee is expected to perform new duties, learn a large amount of information and master a variety of skills within short period of time. The initial training period is a probation period to test their abilities and competency. It a two-way street wherein both employer and employee have to give in their best.

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