5 Interview Hacks to Impress Headhunters

Preparation for a job involves many aspects. With a number of equally competent people vying for any given job, you need to be at your best when you face headhunters. Let us take you through some important points to remember. Project your skill sets Identify your strengths and inclinations and project those when facing headhunters.

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කල් දැමීම නවත්වන ආකාරය පිළිබඳ මාර්ගෝපදේශ

මිනිස් ස්වභාවය යනු අරුම පුදුම දෙයකි. එකී ස්වභාවය තුළ ඇති හැසිරීම් රටාවන් ගති පැවතුම් මෙන්ම පුරුදු එකිනෙකාට විවිධාකාරවේ. දිනපතා අප කරනු ලබන සෑම ක්‍රියාවකම මෙන්ම අප ගන්නා සෑම තීරණයක ම අප සතුව ඇති කුඩා හෝ පුරුද්දක් ඇතුළත් වේ. බොහෝ විට මෙම පුරුදු වලින් සමහරක් හොඳ හෝ නරක විය හැකියි. පෞද්ගලික ජීවිතයටත් ව්‍යාපාර ජීවිතයට එකසේ බලපාන

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Crucial Questions That a Candidate Must Ask the Headhunter

It is not only you, the candidate, who is supposed to answer questions when the headhunter calls. Once they are done it is your turn to fortify and improve the impression you have already made, by asking some valid and intelligent questions. The following questions help you gauge the efficacy of the headhunter and whether

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Great Hacks to Make Headhunting an Effective Exercise

Headhunting is one of the most helpful recruitment tactics as it lets recruiters and appointment executives to target high aptitude applicants. By itself, headhunting is the ideal way of staffing for recruiting managers. But, in spite of how efficient the method is, a few recruiters implement it as it is considered very difficult to get

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Does Headhunting Really Affect Business Performance?

Headhunting is a highly efficient form of direct approach recruitment. Conducted usually by an agency of head hunters, the process involves the scouting and selection of qualified professionals who match the requirements of the client who is hiring. Headhunters essentially work closely with employers. They usually are given access to information about free positions in

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How to Control absenteeism of employees.

Human resources are the lifeblood of any business but we often forget that they are human. They also need time off to meet the family needs, deal with sickness and fulfill other responsibilities. Personal time off is necessary but what if it becomes nuisance. Absenteeism increase everyone’s workload leading to poor quality and an inefficient

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How To Conduct A Voluntary Retirement Scheme?

We all agree that each organization is different so its employees. Making a large, sweeping plan that covers the needs of everyone is a daunting task for sure. HR has to consider a lot of things in order to get the things right in case of voluntary retirement scheme. It is important to know the

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Things to consider before a career switch

Do you also go to work with a heavy heart? Do you keep staring at the clock thinking when you can call it a day? Have you also lost interest in the work you do? Choosing a career is a big decision and deciding to switch career is even bigger one. But if you do

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07 ways to simplify your workplace

Whatever be the nature of job, extreme pressure is always mounted on everyone. To reduce stress and simply your work life, here is the ultimate guide to help you – Harmonize your decisions with your values Experts suggest it is easier to make difficult decisions when you know your values well mainly shared values within

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නිවැරදි වෘත්තිය පුහුණුකරුවකු තෝරා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?

“හැමදාමත් ඔහොම ඉන්නද කල්පනාව… ?” යම් අයෙකු ඔබගෙන් මෙසේ විමසුවොත් ඔබ ලබාදෙන ප්‍රතිචාරය කුමක් විය හැකිද?… ඔබේ පෞද්ගලික ජීවිතය තුළ ඔබට විවිධාකාර ගැටලු මතුවිය හැකියි. සෑම ගැටලුවක්ම ඔබ කෙසේ හෝ නිරාකරණය කළත් වෘත්තීය මට්ටමෙන් හමුවන ගැටලු නිරාකරණය කිරීමේදී ඔබ අසමත් වන්නට පුළුවන්. එයට හේතුව වෘත්තිය ක්ෂේත්රය පිළිබඳ නිසි අවබෝධයක් නොමැති වීමයි. ඔබේ අනාගත වෘත්තිය ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ

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